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Forgot Password Configuration in PeopleSoft

Steps to setting up the forgotten password link

1. Create a permission list called MAILPSWD (user define name).

2. On the Pages tab of this new Permission List you will need to authorize the component called EMAIL_PSWD. This is done by adding the Menu named MAINTAIN_SECURITY, edit the menu and find the component called EMAIL_PSWD with the description Forgot My Password. Edit the pages and select all.

3. Next go to the Component Interface tab of this same Permission List, add and give full access to the USERMAINT_SELF component.

4. Next go to the Web Libraries tab of this same Permission List and add the WEBLIB_PORTAL and WEBLIB_PT_NAV web libraries edit and give FULL access to ALL iscripts.

5. Create a Role called Forgot Password (user define name). This role will have only 1 permission list, the MAILPSWD permission list you just created. Add this Permission List and save.

6. Create a new User called FORGOTPASSWORD (user define name). Create a password for this user and remember it, as it is case sensitive, and you will be using it again in step 9. The User ID Type for this user should be none and on the roles tab you will want to add the role you just created called Forgot Password. This user DOES NOT need any permission lists on the general tab a symbolic ID or an email address.

7. Open a Permission List that ALL your users have in common and that is assigned to them through a common role, PeopleSoft delivered PTPT1000. On the General tab, of this permission list, turn on the check box that says Allow Password to be Emailed?

8. Under PeopleTools > Security > User Profile > Forgot Password Hint. Add a new password hint (note the ID doesn’t matter – just use 01, 02, etc.). Pick some question that will have a fairly short answer like what is your pet’s name or mother’s maiden name or whatever you feel is appropriate.

9. You also need to go under PeopleTools > Security > User Profile > Forgot My Password Email Text to add whatever comments you want returned on the email you are sending to users. Something like this:
Please reset your password! This process will also NOT unlock your account if it has been locked out. If your account is locked you need to contact the security administrator <<%PASSWORD>>.

10. Set up a web profile for forgotten passwords. This can be done by two ways of following.
 Clone the current existing Web Profile and make a new Web Profile and do the following setup for that.
• Navigate to PeopleTools > Web Profile > Copy Web Profile. Select the PROD web profile to copy from.
• In the “TO” box, enter PWD (User Define name) and save.
[And following configuration]  Just do the following setup in your current Web Profile.
• General Tab, Change description to “Forgot Password”
• Blank out Authentication Domain.
• Uncheck “Enable New Window”.
• Blank out the help URL.
• Uncheck Enable Report Repository.
• Security Tab, Change Days to Auto Fill User ID to 0.
• Check “Allow Public Access”. Enter the Username and Password for the Forgot Password user that you created earlier.
• Blank out XML Link information.
• Debugging Tab, Uncheck everything except for “Write Dump File”. Leave this checked.

11. This step will add the Forgot your password link to the login page.
The link for forgotten passwords will be: http://.:/psp/ps_pwd/EMPLOYEE/ERP/c/MAINTAIN_SECURITY.EMAIL_PSWD.GBL.

Edit signin.html in .$PS_HOME/webserv//applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/WEB-INF/psftdocs//signin.html.

Search for the string “pwd”. You get few lines something like following:

Above html code written for “Password” level & password user input. So insert “Forgot your password” link just below Password we have to write following codes just below the above html code.

<Ahref=”http://localhost:90/psp/hc92demo/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/MAINTAIN_SECURITY.EMAIL_PSWD.GBL””>Forgot your password?

Note: http://localhost:90/psp/hc92demo/ that is my local environment specific .
If you don’t know the values on your URL that you need to add before MAINTAIN_SECURITY, Navigate to ‘Home > PeopleTools > Portal > Structure & Content’ and drill down on the ‘Root -> Tools – Hidden -> Forgot my password’ and test the content reference. Then copy paste the link.

12. Navigate to ‘Home > PeopleTools > Portal > Structure & Content’ and drill down on the ‘Root -> Tools – Hidden -> Forgot my password’ Content reference and check on the ‘No Template’ to ‘Y’ on the ‘General’ tab.

13. For PeopleTools 8.44 and 8.45, you’ll need to modify Component PeopleCode to be able to see the confirmation page after the password has been e-mailed. Open component EMAIL_PSWD view the SavePostChange Peoplecode.

Transfer( False, MenuName.MAINTAIN_SECURITY, BarName.USE, ItemName.EMAIL_PSWD, Page.EMAIL_CONFIRM, “U”);

Save the component.

NOTE: Passwords that are generated by the Forgot Password function are always in UPPER CASE.

WARNING: If you use a “super user” account for your database (such as PS or VP1) be sure that you have another account that can access the security area before setting this process up because you may end up changing the password for that super user account by accident. This could not only lock yourself out of your database while experimenting with this setup but everyone else too if that user is used to start your application server.

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3 comments on “Forgot Password Configuration in PeopleSoft

  1. i MY name is Terry L Clark. my user id is 106065
    I cant not figure how to change my password
    i not reciving any email from you all to reset it. Here is my email address
    terrylclarksr64@gmail com
    I could really use some help.

  2. I managed to activate English password reset.
    How bout if we need to enable for multiple languages?
    What are the steps?

    I tried to chose ‘simplified chinese’ and click ‘Forgot my password’ link, it brought me to
    But all the content are in English. And i proceed to reset my password and the email i received, are in English instead of chinese email template i defined.

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