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Working with Date Calculation and Manipulation in PeopleSoft SQR

As Other Programming languages PeopleSoft SQR also contains date related functions, for example

strtodate() -  convert a string to date
datetostr() -  convert a date to a string
dateadd() - add to a date
datediff() - subtract dates
datenow() - returns the date and time it is executed.

You can look forward these documents

  1. SQR Date Function Official Documents (Recommended)
  2. PeopleSoftSQR Blog Dates in SQR (Recommended & Exceptionally Well Documented)
  3. PeopleSoftWiki Blog

I was curious to know about datemath.sqc which was written and delivered by Oracle Corp. These SQC contains huge information about SQR Date calculation , obviously all the calculation contains 5 parent SQR date functions i.e strtodate,datetostr,dateadd,datediff,datenow.So in this blogpost i will discuss about SQR Date Calculation & Manipulation example.I hope it will be helpful for you in order to work on SQR Date.

Before the discussion you already understand that we need to include datemath.sqc file at the bottom of your Primary SQR file.Also note that validdt.sqc needs to include.

! Standard Include Files
#Include 'curdttim.sqc'   !Get-Current-DateTime procedure
#Include 'datetime.sqc'   !Routines for date and time formatting
#Include 'number.sqc'     !Routines to format numbers
#Include 'stdapi.sqc'     !Update Process API
#Include 'datemath.sqc'   !Date Manipulation functions
#include 'validdt.sqc'    !Date Validations 

So lets see how we can call the procedure

!  Report Name:  DATECALC.SQR -- Run Via Process Schedular SQR Report (API Aware)               !
!  Report Descriptions: PeopleSoft DATE Calculatin & Manipulation								!
!  Report Create Date: 																			!
!  Report Run Component: PRCSMULTI ( System Process Request ) 									!

#include 'setenv.sqc'    ! Set Default environment

	 do Init_Report
	 do Main_Report
	 do Stdapi-Term

Begin-Procedure Init_Report
	 Do Stdapi-Init
	 Do Init-DateTime
	 Do Init-Number
	 Do Get-Current-DateTime

Begin-Procedure Main_Report

	!Set back day in [YYYY-MM-DD] format
	Let $BackDay = '2013-01-01'
	Let $BackDayYear = '2012-01-01'
	! Before Using any procedure first call it [Convert-To-DTU-Date] it is actually take Input:  $date_in  (native format)
	! and convert Output: $dtu_date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
	do Convert-To-DTU-Date($AsOfToday, $Today)

        do dtu-diff-days($BackDay,$Today,#diffDays)
	   Let $GetDateDiff = to_char(#diffDays)
	   #DEBUG SHOW 'Diff Days -> ' $GetDateDiff

        do Dtu-Diff-Months ($BackDay, $Today, #DiffMonth)
		Let $GetMonthDiff = to_char(#DiffMonth)
	    #DEBUG SHOW 'Diff Months -> ' $GetMonthDiff

        do Dtu-Diff-years ($BackDayYear, $Today, #DiffYear)
		Let $GetYearDiff = to_char(#DiffYear)
	   #DEBUG SHOW 'Diff Year -> ' $GetYearDiff

	do dtu-diff-weeks ($BackDay, $Today, #DiffWeek)
	   Let $GetWeekDiff = to_char(#DiffWeek)
	   #DEBUG SHOW 'Diff Weeks -> ' $GetWeekDiff

	!Parse Date basically read a date and convert it to Separate Year,Month & Date with Integer Version
	do dtu-parse-date ($Today,#yyyy,#mm,#dd)

		!Convert it to String
		Move #yyyy  to $yyyy '0000'
		Move #mm to $mm '00'
		Move #dd to $dd '00'

		Let $BuildingStringDateV1 = $yyyy || '/' || $mm || '/' || $dd
		Let $BuildingStringDateV2 = $yyyy || '-' || $mm || '-' || $dd

			#DEBUG SHOW 'String Building Date V1 -> ' $BuildingStringDateV1
			#DEBUG SHOW 'String Building Date V2 -> ' $BuildingStringDateV2

		Let #year = to_number('2013')
		do DTU-Format-Date(#year, 1, 1, $YearBegin)
			#DEBUG SHOW 'Year Begin Without Convert-From-DTU-Date -> ' $YearBegin
		do Convert-From-DTU-Date($YearBegin, $YearBegin)
			#DEBUG SHOW 'Year Begin With Convert-From-DTU-Date -> ' $YearBegin

		do DTU-Format-Date(#year, 12, 31, $YearEnd)
			#DEBUG SHOW 'Year End Without Convert-From-DTU-Date -> ' $YearEnd
		do Convert-From-DTU-Date($YearEnd, $YearEnd)
			#DEBUG SHOW 'Year End With Convert-From-DTU-Date -> ' $YearEnd		

		do DTU-Add-Weeks($Today,7,$WorkDate)
			#DEBUG SHOW 'New Date After Adding 7 Weeks From Todays Date -> ' $WorkDate	

	do Get_Month_Start_Date($AsOfToday, $BgDt)
		#DEBUG SHOW 'Month Begin Date -> ' $BgDt

	do Get_Month_End_Date($AsOfToday, $EdDt)
		#DEBUG SHOW 'Month End Date -> ' $EdDt	

	!Dtu-DayOfWeek# (Returns As Sunday = 1, Monday = 2 etc)
	do DTU-DayOfWeek#($Today, #StartDay)
		#DEBUG SHOW 'Days Of Week -> ' #StartDay 

	!dtu-add-months ( Minus Denotes Backward )
	let #Months = -3
	do DTU-Add-Months($Today,#Months,$AfterAddingtNewMonth)
		#DEBUG SHOW 'New Date After Adding Month -> ' $AfterAddingtNewMonth 

	Do DTU-Add-Years($Today, -2, $AfterAddingtNewYear)
	    #DEBUG SHOW 'New Date After Adding Year -> ' $AfterAddingtNewYear	

	Let $Dob = '1988-01-01'
	do Dtu-Diff-Years($Dob,$Today,#Age_Yrs)
		Let $AgeYrs = to_char(#Age_Yrs)
		#DEBUG SHOW 'Diff Years -> ' $AgeYrs	


Begin-Procedure Get_Month_End_Date ( $Dte1, :$Dte2 )

  do ConvertToComponents($Dte1 , $tmp1_yy , $tmp1_mm , $tmp1_dd)
  let  #tmp1_mm  = to_number($tmp1_mm)
  let  #tmp1_yy  = to_number($tmp1_yy)

  if #tmp1_mm = 2
     move 28 to #MonthDays1
     if(((mod(#tmp1_yy,4) = 0) and (mod(#tmp1_yy,100) != 0)) or (mod(#tmp1_yy,400) = 0))
         add 1 to #MonthDays1
     if #tmp1_mm = 4 or #tmp1_mm = 6 or #tmp1_mm = 9 or #tmp1_mm = 11
         move 30 to #MonthDays1
         move 31 to #MonthDays1

   let $MonthDays1 = to_char(#MonthDays1)
   let $E_DT_tmp1 = $tmp1_yy  || $tmp1_mm  || $MonthDays1 || '0000'
   do Format-DateTime($E_DT_tmp1 , $Dte2, {DEFCMP}, '', 'native')


Begin-Procedure Get_Month_Start_Date ( $Dte1 , :$Dte2 )

  do ConvertToComponents($Dte1 , $tmp1_yy , $tmp1_mm , $tpm1_dd)

  let $B_DT_tmp1 = $tmp1_yy  || $tmp1_mm  || '01' || '0000'
  do Format-DateTime($B_DT_tmp1 , $Dte2, {DEFCMP}, '', 'native')


! WE have made another procedure called diff-week as it was not available in datemath.sqc
! dtu-diff-weeks
!   Input:    $dtu_date1, $dtu_date2
!   Output:   #dtu_weeks
begin-procedure dtu-diff-weeks($dtu_date1, $dtu_date2, :#dtu_weeks)

        date    $wkDate1
        date    $wkDate2
        integer #dtu_weeks

    let $wkDate1    = strtodate($dtu_date1,{DTUDateFormat})
    let $wkDate2    = strtodate($dtu_date2,{DTUDateFormat})
    let #dtu_weeks  = trunc(datediff($wkDate2,$wkDate1,'week'),0)


! Standard Include Files
#Include 'curdttim.sqc'   !Get-Current-DateTime procedure
#Include 'datetime.sqc'   !Routines for date and time formatting
#Include 'number.sqc'     !Routines to format numbers
#Include 'stdapi.sqc'     !Update Process API
#Include 'datemath.sqc'   !Date Manipulation functions
#include 'validdt.sqc'    !Date Validations 

I have attached the full code which contains Comments for each just download & Create new Process definitions (SQR Report). Please make sure you use -DEBUG flag in Process Override tab, unless you can’t view the output.One interesting thing i have customize two procedure Get_Month_End_Date , Get_Month_Start_Date which will return Month End Date & Month Start Date.

Get Month Start Date & End Date with SQR

Begin-Procedure Get_Month_End_Date ( $Dte1, :$Dte2 )

  do ConvertToComponents($Dte1 , $tmp1_yy , $tmp1_mm , $tmp1_dd)
  let  #tmp1_mm  = to_number($tmp1_mm)
  let  #tmp1_yy  = to_number($tmp1_yy)

  if #tmp1_mm = 2
     move 28 to #MonthDays1
     if(((mod(#tmp1_yy,4) = 0) and (mod(#tmp1_yy,100) != 0)) or (mod(#tmp1_yy,400) = 0))
         add 1 to #MonthDays1
     if #tmp1_mm = 4 or #tmp1_mm = 6 or #tmp1_mm = 9 or #tmp1_mm = 11
         move 30 to #MonthDays1
         move 31 to #MonthDays1

   let $MonthDays1 = to_char(#MonthDays1)
   let $E_DT_tmp1 = $tmp1_yy  || $tmp1_mm  || $MonthDays1 || '0000'
   do Format-DateTime($E_DT_tmp1 , $Dte2, {DEFCMP}, '', 'native')


Begin-Procedure Get_Month_Start_Date ( $Dte1 , :$Dte2 )

  do ConvertToComponents($Dte1 , $tmp1_yy , $tmp1_mm , $tpm1_dd)

  let $B_DT_tmp1 = $tmp1_yy  || $tmp1_mm  || '01' || '0000'
  do Format-DateTime($B_DT_tmp1 , $Dte2, {DEFCMP}, '', 'native')


!How to Use Them , an example.
do Get_Month_Start_Date($AsOfToday, $BgDt)
#DEBUG SHOW 'Month Begin Date -> ' $BgDt

do Get_Month_End_Date($AsOfToday, $EdDt)
#DEBUG SHOW 'Month End Date -> ' $EdDt
Download the full code Date Calculation

My Output file looks like

Date Calculation Process Output File

Date Calculation Process Output File

Hope this helps, Please let me know your problems,suggestions etc.

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Publish:  11 years ago
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One comment on “Working with Date Calculation and Manipulation in PeopleSoft SQR

  1. We have a problem in our sqr when dtu-diff-months is called in datemath.sqc as below:
    The first date is always the Birthdate, and the second the end of a month.
    However, when the birthdate has MORE days than the end of month, the procedure is not calculating a whole month, and the result is the same as for the previous month eg. $wDate2 = 1954-07-31, $wDate1 = 2013-06-30.
    Datediff works fine in pure SQL.

     #dtu_months = trunc(datediff($wDate2,$wDate1,'month'),0) 

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